Room Description

  • Festive Period - Cottage Room (All Meals)

    Each cottage boasts views of the fresh-water lagoon and the jungle. Thatched roofs and cane walls make up the basic structure, while the interiors are furnished in a contemporary manner. A couple of chairs, a table and a bed fill the room, while light curtains and fresh linen add a touch of home. Chairs are also kept on the porch - a thick slab of the local red stone, and small windows open onto the serene atmosphere outside. Amenities are few, but suffice those who can rough it out a bit.

  • Cottage Room (All Meals)

    Each cottage boasts views of the fresh-water lagoon and the jungle. Thatched roofs and cane walls make up the basic structure, while the interiors are furnished in a contemporary manner. A couple of chairs, a table and a bed fill the room, while light curtains and fresh linen add a touch of home. Chairs are also kept on the porch - a thick slab of the local red stone, and small windows open onto the serene atmosphere outside. Amenities are few, but suffice those who can rough it out a bit.

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